Internet Communication Protocol

Resiliency First
TODA/IP is a resiliency first, internet protocol enabling p2p implementations in a complete Autonomous Decentralized Governance setting
By enabling each network packet to have unique global identifier while belonging to a data structure that can ensure the belonging of the packet is to a single signing public key
Toda.Network is a partial holdco for projects built on TODA/IP to accelerate implementations and deployments
Videos from a decade journey for what folks call an overnight success
The Protocol
V1.0 of TODA PROTOCOL has been implemented by several companies and is already in production: Mainly TodaQ, Land32, Earth64, YouBase, Records.OT, dozen others have deployments over existing implementations such as Todalarity
V2.0 is being built in collaboration with academic researchers
V3.0 Is Currently Being Implemented by HyperCycle.AI
The TODA Protocol is a communication layer protocol. It enables developers to build applications and platforms with user centric asset management without any third party dependencies (this means no dependencies on cloud, no dependencies on miners, no databases, no servers, zero dependencies) .
Note: The Dependency Layer, should NOT be confused with Service Layers. Any business can be a centralized service layer can use TODA/IP to build their apps the same way you can use the decentralized structure of Oxygen to breath.
TODA/IP is not a replacement of TCP/IP. They can both and should both coexist. TODA/IP is for asset/value transmission over the communication layer in a P2P decentralized setting.
Dozens of projects being built on Toda. Some by hackers, some by bankers. Some by government agencies others by anarchist. Toda is like electricity can be good for anyone who learns how to use it. In addition to that the company Toda.Network Corp entered into dozens of joint ventures and strategic technology alliances with businesses wishing to enable their development in a complete decentralized setting to benefit from value management and exchange efficiently.
It can add value to a multitude of industries, from finance to fashion, space, healthcare, education, IoT and anything else that involves transactions of digital assets and information. Toda has no magic, if you have 780 users you'd only get a throughput of 1 TPS but if you have 780,000 users you get 1000 TPS. Focus is on resiliency first, then economical scalability where no extraction of wealth is desired.

While an OpCo, Documented Some Of that Journey
All Roads Lead To The HyperCycle.AI
How does Toda.Network Corp make money?
As a holdco the current business model is creating Joint Ventures. Dozens of organizations and Strategic Technology Alliances have joined. The model seems to work well as it demonstrates value to the potential partner first and then proceeds with the partnership.
Get in touch if you believe your product manages anything of value. The more traction you already have, the better deal you will get.
Please note: There are no charges on any of the management or transactions by the TODA/IP protocol, no hidden costs either.
Autonomous Decentralized Governance is a method that increases the security by design. But why? The net/net benefits are expressed with significant cost reduction. This reduction of cost can be well over 99% when compared to legacy centralized systems and certainly a lot faster to arrive at finalities in the event of transacting values.
Technologies built on TODA/IP require less than 30 second to install and do NOT depend on any servers, miners, cloud, databases, or any third party
Devices must be geographically distributed accross the network and not static or else their participation into the network gets to be limited unless someone figures out a network faster than the speed of light and no one else have that network.
Every system is attackable without any exception. So far we are not aware of any method capable of attacking systems built on TODA/IP that don't cost a lot more than the potential benefit to the attacker. However, if certain values on it get inflated artificially, this may no longer be true.. Effectively if someone wants to prove this statement to be false they can, but in real life they often fail. It's the same with any system in this universe. including biological systems, chemical, physical, you name it.
No third party dependencies does NOT mean no room for optional service layers by anyone, any business, any entity, you just don't need to depend on them for anything more than "exactly" the service they provide
Complete decentralization governed by PoW (ddc not hashcash, ddc is deterministic distributed computing, it's pretty much a very well studied in computer science, however the exact ddc algorithm in this protocol is the only innovation within the TODA Protocol, everything else has been around and used by many for years and years. Historically, this applies to most innovations that contributed to a revolutionary technology.
In this universe, NO system runs without a cost. However, most systems hide cost from users, even from developers. TODA enables systems to be powered from within eliminating the dependencies on external elements and therefore eliminating leakage of wealth.
Implementations can have zero extraction of wealth from economies running it as it requires the actual devices in the economy to run it and must be spread out in the geographic area.
Computational effort per transaction is consistent and equally distributed by design across devices no matter how big or small each device is.
Implementations can have zero extraction of wealth from economies running it as it requires the actual devices in the economy to run it and must be spread out in the geographic area.
Computational effort per transaction is consistent and equally distributed by design across devices no matter how big or small each device is.
Scales the number of transactions per second proportionally to the number of users in the system.
Although smart contract executions and transactions can be instantaneous, finality (Irrefutability and Immutability) within 60 seconds.
Interoperability by design, cross blockchains p2p without any dependency (services can play a role of connecting like exchanges but they never become a dependency layer beyond the service they provide)
Because it is user centric design and no dependency on ledgers, implementations benefit from confidentiality and privacy by design. It's the opposite of most systems that you have to add a layer towards confidentiality or privacy, with Toda it is the other way around. You can add a layer to make things public but you don't have to.
TODA has a robust autonomous decentralized governance model that is open, permissionless and borderless. Through effective crytpo-economic techniques, it avoids the emergent “concentration-of-power effects” that plague existing decentralized systems, ensuring that the cost of any attack outweighs its possible benefits.
By using deterministic distributed computing as the "work" in its PoW, governed by a model that favors geographically distributed devices, implementations running on Toda are able to achieve overall efficiencies due to its security by design. The Toda decentralized governance model depends on the speed of the network which is currently close to the speed of light and can not be exceeded according to the laws of physics.
Every packet contains the cryptographic proofs of current ownership and resides within the device of the owner. This provides flexibility and ability to comply with all regulations, particularly those that exist and serve to protect users. Should they choose, a participant has the ability to track provenance with total immutability and irrefutability.
The throughput increases as the number of user devices / nodes increases. Effectively, this means that network growth (i.e. increasing number of machines, users and transactions) is not hindered by a linear cost to run the network. All active devices are of equal distribution of work being done to maintain the system and run its transactions.
There will be many blockchains and therefore users need to exchange value between each other without depending on any third party. That's exactly what Toda provides by design.
Active Devices
Not by consensus but by design, active devices can equally contribute to micro-mining regardless of its size and utilizes 0.3% of the power of an average smartphone.
Geographic Distribution By Design
Network speed is a major determining factor in the selection of nodes that contribute to the micro-mining and prevents centralized mining farms.
Immutable & Irrefutable
Hashes of Toda-T packets constitute the leaves in a regularly constructed and deterministic Merkle Tree that is partially built by each active device using pseudorandom, yet deterministic function of the previous Merkle Root (i.e. the hash of the block).

Finality in 60 seconds
Toda Protocol is similar to TCP/IP - if you fork it, you end up with intranet not the internet. After 60 seconds, the block concludes with a hash that is final without any possibility to go back unless the entire network is malicious.
Globally Replicated Block Hash
Only the hash of each block of time is replicated which is constructed by a T-Merkle (TODA algorithm using distributed computing). which means 32 characters are added to every device every minute
On-Chain Scalability
Any Network Implementation can be placed on the TODA Protocol to benefit from security, efficiency, confidentiality and scalability without having to build off-chain channels to scale decoupling service layer from dependency layer for a full p2p
Honorary Founding Members

Lila Tretikov
Lila has worked closely with Todd Gebhart and Toufi Saliba to define a global strategy for decentralized governance, partnerships, and overall help devising the Toda business model. Lila was Chief Executive at the Wikimedia foundation, holds and has held a series of leadership and executive board member roles at Rackspace, SugarCRM and most recently Microsoft.
Board member Todacorp

Todd Gebhart
Chairman of the board of directors at TodaCorp and head of the advisory board at PrivacyShell and TodaQ, Todd brings over 30 years experience in Information Security, including Vice-Chairman of Intel Security and Co-President of McAfee for 11 years until the M&A/acquisition by Intel for over $7Billion USD. Todd continues to be actively involved with Toufi and Dann, from attending hackathons to day to day, weekly and monthly evolution of Toda and the businesses within the ecosystem.
Board member Todacorp

Silvio Micali
As a Ford Professor of Engineering at MIT, Silvio’s research interests are cryptography, zero knowledge, pseudorandom generation, secure protocols, and mechanism design. Silvio is the recipient of the Turing Award (in computer science); of the Goedel Prize (in theoretical computer science); and the RSA prize (in cryptography). He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. Silvio is a founding member of Toda Algorand Corp in 2017 that became Toda.Network Corp in 2018. Silvio is currently not involved with TODA, he is at Algorand.com.

Dann Toliver
Dann cut his teeth building mission critical systems for NASA then Fortune 500 companies. He works mainly with Toufi devising initial architectures of startups overall systems. He is prolific in distributed programming language semantics and databases, and oversees development and innovation at TODA. Dann is also a co-author of the TODA protocol and holds daily meetups and communities of over 4000 developers.
Board member Todacorp

Toufi Saliba
Serial technopreneur, built 15 startups, failed 11 times, succeeded 3 some ended up at Google, HP and his last AI startup became an Intel company (not yet an exit). Co-authored TODA protocol, Toufi is currently the global Chair AI Standards IEEE, he also served ACM chair PB CC. Toufi is also an invited speaker at WIC, UN, ITU, AiForGood, KBI, KIF a board member & advisor to several tech ventures, international and national organizations such as FSR/BPI and F500 companies.
Board member Todacorp
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